The fast, relentless pace of change is overwhelming leaders in businesses and organisations.
Leading to high stress levels, burnout, and frustration. Under pressure, your senior leaders will drown in their work, micro-manage, become harder to work with, and waste time solving the wrong problems. Becoming narrow in perspective, reactive and communicating poorly, they miss good ideas and opportunities. The cost is high. Important business projects get bogged down in process and details, presenteeism becomes a thing, good people leave, and expensive re-work appears. All driven by the stress and overload of individuals. Stress dissolved workshop Discover
Not only is this a commercially smart move - it is the right thing to do. Join us at this 45-minute micro-training on Tuesday 2nd July at 12.30pm. Please register below: People don’t ‘win’ arguments. They may ‘get their way’ at times, but that is not the same thing. People walk away from arguments and spend the next few hours replaying the argument in their heads, reinforcing their own starting position. In fact, the research shows most ‘arguments’ result in people being more - rather than less - convinced they are right. Silos grow and teams polarize their views. People become defensive and conversations are reduced to squabbles over detail. Projects get stuck as people talk to different parts of the problem. And left unresolved, your department deliverables get bogged. Genuine leadership and high-level communication are about getting to agreement. It's why I created The Influence Amplifier framework. To help my executive coaching clients make fast and highly practical improvements in their communication skills - especially when working across the management table or managing "up". It is a simple and practical way that senior executives can use to get their leaders to have more effective conversations. It levels up their influencing skills to reach agreement and decisions faster. Accelerating traction on business-critical goals. I am running a 45-minute executive briefing on the foundations and application of the Influence Amplifier, which you can apply yourself - and share with your leadership team. To move them from arguing and defensive, to listening, resolving issues and making effective decisions. Faster. Join me on Wednesday 27 March at 12.30pm (Sydney time). You can register for your spot below. an outcome far better than I would have expected How you can set up your Senior Leadership Team for success. Growth brings its own pressures and stresses as existing people have more to do. The senior leadership can fray at the edges, get beaten down by the relentlessness of the environment and stuck in their own busyness. Even high-quality talent can become defensive, disconnected, and disjointed rather than operate as an integrated leadership team. People can start to hunker down and silo into departments. Their perspective narrows as they look to solve operational and workload problems right in front of them. They don’t feel they have the time or brainspace for collaboration or strategic problem solving, and important business projects can get mired in process and detail. The Integrated Leadership Model is the strategic way Senior Executives get their leadership teams working together and generate traction towards important goals.
I am running a 45-minute executive briefing to share the three strategic foundations needed for a high-performing and integrated leadership group. To move them from stuck, isolated, and overwhelmed to dynamic and effective. To set them up for success. Join me on Tuesday, 20 February, at 12.30 pm (AEDT). You can register below. An outcome far better than I would have expected. How you can set up your senior Leadership Team for success in 2024. Growth brings its own pressures and stresses as existing people have more to do. The senior leadership can fray at the edges, get stuck in their own busyness, become defensive, argumentative, and disjointed with each other. Even high quality talent can become a disconnected, rather than integrated, leadership team. People can start to hunker down and silo into departments as they cope with ever-rising workloads; and important business projects can get mired in process and detail. The Integrated Leadership Model is the strategic way Senior Executives get their leadership teams working together and re-invigorate momentum towards important goals.
I am running a 45-minute executive briefing to share the three strategic foundations needed for a high-performing and integrated leadership group.
Join me on Tuesday 12 December at 12.30pm (AEDT). An outcome far better than I would have expected. Is this you?
To help you clarify and achieve your success. It is why I do this work and why I built the My Ataraxy ProcessTM. This session has been specially designed to help you understand:
This is a chance for you to investigate an opportunity for you. Take back control of your life and career, and move ahead with confidence and energy. Join me on Tuesday 24 October at 12.30 pm (AEST). “I thought I would have to be stressed for the rest of my life. The simple way to help leaders under pressure move from friction and arguing to solving problems faster, together.From cranky to cranking. During periods of high growth and change, under the weight of workload and difficult commercial conditions, even the most robust leaders experience the negative effect of stress. People become quicker to anger, frictions and factions arise, blame and guilt an undercurrent at every meeting. With this “us vs them” mentality creeping in, time and energy are wasted on arguments you don’t need. Rather than working together to solve problems, iImportant projects stall. The Parley Framework is a simple tool I created to help my clients, and I’m happy to share the template with you at this free online event. Designed to help leaders under pressure move from arguing with each other to solving problems together. From cranky to cranking. I am offering a targeted 30-minute executive briefing to show you how you can double the productivity of your leadership meetings and interactions. Build greater cohesion, spark an uplift in creativity and problem-solving and drive momentum on important business projects Join me on Wednesday, 30 August at 9am AEST to learn how. transformed our leadership impact How to reduce burnout in smart people by helping them narrow their focus, do less and achieve more.This event is for senior executives, business owners and HR leaders whose senior people:
The Path Finder Delux is a simple framework that helps you rise above the complexity. Filter out the noise to find greater clarity and simplicity. I am giving a thirty-minute executive briefing to step out how you can use this tool and help your people. Join me on Wednesday 26th July @ 9.00 am EST. You can register below. “I thought I would have to be stressed for the rest of my life. I did not realise I could change my stress without changing my life. A live strategic review of your leadership team and how you can support a new normal after large change or growth
This event is ideal for senior executives, business owners and HR leaders if
· Your leadership team has been operating at peak capacity for too long. · There is a high risk of burnout, and you can see that people and cooperation are starting to fray at the edges. · Your business has grown, and your org chart and leadership group need to grow with it. To get out of the weeds and operate more strategically. Integrated Leaders Power-Up is a complete diagnostic of how leadership teams operate. You will:
This is an opportunity to step out, in real time with other business leaders, exactly what you need to do to integrate your leadership team and support a new normal. To take them from frayed verging on burn-out to calm, in control and dynamic, working well together. Join me on Wednesday 28 June, at 9am (AEST). an outcome far better than I would have expected
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