Ataraxy is the name of Nigel's thought leadership practice through which he provides Training, Coaching and Mentoring programmes that teach people how to be their own 'mind mechanic', teaching you to understand the way your mind, your ancestry and your experiences have formed the person you are. Then you learn to apply simple techniques and tools to make changes, improve your ability to make choices and improve your outcomes.
This is about teaching the fundamentals of how your mind works which allows you to better manage your own thinking and therefore outcomes. You learn to apply a new level of analysis and understanding to your own thoughts, habits and perceptions of the world - without resorting to re-aligning shakra's and burning incense - through gaining a simple and practical understanding of the biological mechanics and operation of the brain, body and mind.
We all know the fundamentals for building a healthy body - eat well and exercise. With this approach you learn the fundamentals of being mentally and emotionally fit for authentic happiness, personal decision making and productivity. Like going to a physio for your mind, you will learn how to train yourself, your thoughts and habits. Like any other form of fitness, you exert effort and strive and over time your brain responds. You can literally rewire your brain to enable you to get the most out of your experience of the world.
Nigel's unique experience means he has the ability to make these abstract ideas fun, real, practical and most of all USEFUL for people. You get a genuine shift in thinking and an understanding that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
No mysticism, no group hugs, no fads - just using science to understand the self and make positive changes "I teach people how to pay more attention to their own thoughts and make better choices. Attention is the key to free will and change."
The Ataraxy Value Model
The Ataraxy Value Model describes the evolution in the way you think as you progress through the education and skill development in the programmes.
It demonstrates the progressive stages of development as you build the skills to respond to events as they occur.
The two foundational skills you will learn and practice are Attention and Volition: Attention Learn to attend to and focus on the right things. Volition learn how to exert effort and strive. Learn how to behave differently to the way you feel often enough so that the new behaviour becomes habit.
Value to you...... The Ataraxy Value Model is not expressed in dollar or Euros, or any other physical property. The real currency in the Ataraxy Value Model is how often your habits are aligned to your chosen way of being.
So what do you get? How does it help?
The application of this knowledge is incredibly diverse, some of the problems Nigel helps to solve include; - the ability to handle change or crisis - resiliance - the ability to give and receive feedback - maturity - talent retention - engagement, patience - objectivity in decision making - perspective - ability to remain alert and attentive - focus - ability to take action and be consistent - certainty and energy - improved communication and relationship counselling - engagement
For companies: Nigel helps solve problems that effect people, helping you and your team be more: - relaxed, resilient, mature and have improved objectivity - improved happiness, self control and personal management - improved communicaiton and mutual respect of a difference in view. Using peoples differences to improve the outcome - change processess and employee habits (getting them to follow a procedure that is not currently in their habit)
Ultimately you get: - a more open and communicative team - a team more resilient to change - more productive managers and leaders - a team more capable of interacting with more maturity, less aggression, judgement, blame and guilt, less fear and a greater willingness to act
How to get the Ataraxy Mindset
Nigel is a dynmaic trainer and constructs workshops that actually work! Whether one-on-one or in groups you can benefit from sophisticated, tailored and targeted training programs.
Drawing from your experience and skills and adding knowledge about the source and effect of your personal drivers. Nigel teaches you about the brain body system and applies positive pressure, assists to develop personal strategies for you to gain the traction to improve your outcomes and build productive habits.
Nigel is a dynamic, fun and passionate speaker, his presentations are designed to shift the mindset and create change.
He can get your audience ready for action or for reflection.
Guiding people and helping them gain perspectives outside of their experience. Improving decision making, resilience and accelerating maturity. Nigel challenges people in a disarming way, allowing people to relax and notice opportunity for change.